Wednesday, June 29, 2011

12 and 13 months

So I’m a month late for your birthday post, which seems to be the norm these days. LATE! Anyway, you had a blast at your birthday party, loved your cake and presents. You are definitely your father’s child, a social butterfly. Now-a-days you are walking so fast it’s almost considered running, talking up a storm and copying everything. Your favorite words are ball, dog, up, and uh-oh (you can thank you Aunt Ashley for that one). Your favorite game is throwing things, especially food, on the floor. You always give us a cute smile and an uh-oh before you throw. We hold back the smiles and laughs in the hope you’ll stop but you never do. You love the outdoors and playing chase. It amazes me the stuff you learn just by watching other people. I have no idea how you figured out that the door knob open doors. All I can say is “Welcome to Toddlerhood!”

Sunday, May 15, 2011

11 Months

Wow 11 months…you have such the little personality now. For the most part or I should say as long as you’re not tired; you are outgoing and love to show off in front of people. You yell and wave your hands in excitement. Speaking of excitement, you love to dance and listen to music. Each morning the three of us hang out in bed even if it’s just for 5 minutes before we have to get ready for work. You finish your bottle and immediately climb over daddy and point to the iPod. Once the music starts to play, you shake you booty, twist and rock back and forth. This has to be my favorite moment each day.

Other stuff you’re doing…

•Taking 3 steps, walking with assistants
•You like to look out the window while driving; I don’t know why I find this interesting. It may be the fact that it’s just proof you’re growing up.
•You throw little tantrums where you arch your back and push yourself backwards. Most of the time I laugh and ask you what you’re doing. I have a feeling these “little tantrums” will be BIG tantrums sooner then I think.
•You like to pick up stuff and hand it to whoever is closes. You hand things to complete strangers!
•Blow kisses
•Not into stuffed animals but into anything with buttons, knobs or plays music.
•When we’re in the car and I roll the windows down you flap your arms in the wind.
•Kinda, sometimes you repeat animal noises.
•Playing in the cabinets is one of your favorite things to do.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

10 Months

Hey you! You hit double digits YAY. Your personality is really starting to show.

One of favorite things to do is point at objects and then I tell you what they are. You could do that for hours if we let you. Another new thing going on this month is your teeth. Girlfriend you have EIGHT! One morning you woke up and had sprouted another two up top and two on the bottom. For this reason, you have moved on the more adult food, like grill cheese and whole crackers. You get this “oh my goodness, you’re going to give that WHOLE thing!” face when I hand you something big to eat. Very cute.

Yum! Refried beans (of course they're vegetarian)

Oh how could I forget? You said mama for the first time a few days ago. I know you have no idea what that word means but I love hearing it come out of your mouth. Each time you say it you get hugs and crackers, just kidding. Only a couple more months until the big day! And to get you ready your Great-Mama bought you a cake that teaches you to blow out the candles. Really, you just like pushing the buttons and rocking back and forth to the music.

Just one of your many "what are you doing to me?" faces. I get these a lot.

Can’t wait to see what next month brings. Walking?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

9 Months and a couple of weeks

While you’re napping, I thought I would start on your 9 month post. While technically, it’s your 9-and a couple of weeks post but who’s counting, right? You are growing at a pace I can’t even begin to explain. You have mastered crawling and are now moving on to more fancy things like creeping sideways along tables and even letting go to come into my lap. You are now giving wet, open mouth kisses (which I absolutely love) to books, pictures, toys, just about anything. Babbling non-stop, eating anything we put in front of you, including goat cheese, black beans and blueberries, splashing during bath time are just some of the things you are doing this month.

One of your favorite things is to crawl up to a door stop and whack it so it makes that really loud sound. You continue to swat at it until the rubber stopper comes off. At first I thought it was cute but now, I must say it’s becoming annoying. However, because you love doing it, I don’t dare stop you. Yes, you are spoiled.

You had your first plane ride a few weeks ago. I’ll be honest and say that both dad and I were nervous but you did great. You loved looking at the emergency pamphlet and pulling everything out of the seat pocket and watch it fall to the floor.

That's it for now, next month you hit double digits! Scary.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

“There’s a cheerio in my spaghetti!”

One night last week, Caroline was testing her crawling skills in kitchen (I was getting dinner ready) and ended up under the kitchen table. As I was continued with dinner, I would casually glance her way just to see what she was up to. When I saw she was chewing on something, I took a quick look around on the floor to see if there was anything she could have picked up. There was nothing, so I did what any mom would do…I stuck my finger in her mouth to find out what was in there, yep, it was a cheerio. Funny! I thought no big deal, she was playing nicely by herself leaving me time to finish dinner, which I continued to do. Then I glanced over at her again and guess what, she had another cheerio in her mouth. I thought, “Man, where does she find these things?” By that time Andy was walking through door and my spaghetti dinner was on the table. The next day (Andy brought leftovers for lunch into work), I receive an e-mail from him around lunch time with the subject line “There’s a Cheerio in my spaghetti!” Since then I have found cheerios in her crib, on her bedroom floor, in our bathroom and in the family room. I wonder where I’ll find the next one...

Monday, January 10, 2011

7 & 8 Months

I know I say this every month but where did the time go? It’s like I blinked and you are seven months. Maybe it was the holiday, who knows, but man this month went by fast. Speaking of the holiday, you loved opening your Christmas presents. Tissue paper was your absolute favorite.

You are really starting to figure out the world around you. You love peek-a-boo and have recently started to pull yourself up one anything close by. You started crawling and now there is no stopping you.

You got your first cold, which really stinks. I feel so helpless, there is nothing I can do to make you feel better. I can't wait for spring when cold season is over. You have two bottom teeth and are eating like a champ. There isn't anything you don't like. Can't wait to see what next month brings...

Monday, December 13, 2010

6 Months

So here we are, 6 months old. I can’t believe it. It’s crazy to imagine that in the next 6 months you will learn to crawl, walk, and even say our first word!

As always you continue to amaze us. You have been eating solids for about a month now and absolutely love your veggies, even peas. When we put you in the high chair you immediately open your mouth like a little bird waiting for the first bite. Once those peas or some other not-so-good food touches your lips, you sometimes gag; make a funny face before you swallow them all. Very cute.

You have mastered sitting with ease but now hate tummy time unless you're sleeping. Which by the way, you are finally sleeping through the night (most nights). Dad and I are having a blast watching you grow, we can't wait for the next 6 months.